Quality Stock Feed Agricultural, Horticultural & Turf Supplies
Swancorp offers a range of stock feed additives, elemental sulphur, soluble straight, soluble trace element, soil conditioning and line marking products.
Our comprehensive fertiliser range offers flexibility of broadcast (spreadable) and targeted fertigation (soluble) application through drip and sprinkler irrigation systems.
Stock Feed Additives
Swancorp is a major supplier of sulphur to the Australian stock feed industry. Our sulphur based products are manufactured in Brisbane and our range consists of four prill sizes.
Turf Care
Swancorp’s extensive range of soluble fertiliser, soil amendment and line marking products are supported by a professional turf industry distributor network across Australia and New Zealand. Our turf products have a reputation for quality and reliability in the market place.
Swancorp's Line-Marking System is a revolutionary line-marking system for grass and hard surfaces. Featuring a highly concentrated ready-to-use paint that requires no additional water or mixing.